
CPE Student and Incarcerated Leader Dave,

Dave is a Restorative Justice Program Leader at Stillwater State Prison

“Without exaggeration the CPE unit has been the most transformative experience of my life. By using narrative therapy I have found a path to healing without the loss of being accountable to my past. This unit has been life-changing because you get labeled with one story. There’s more to me. When I update that story I have love, healing, growth, and redemption. Now I can take the pain-filled journey I have and know that it gives me an ability to reach out to others going through the same thing”

Donor, Barbara Koch

Since 2019, the Koch Family Foundation has offered ongoing support of our legacy planning through the training of Certified Educator Candidate, the Rev. Dr Laura Thelander. The Koch Family Foundation also supports eight incarcerated leaders each year as they train to offer spiritual care inside the prison.

CPE Student, Deb Jance

 "To my Fellow Restorative Justice Group Members: I am writing to express my gratitude to each of you and to honor your stories and the courage and strength you exhibited in working to grow and learn in faith and in life. I also write to apologize to you. As many of you said that it took going to prison to find friendship and healing, it took me being part of your group to begin my own healing. While I was listening to your stories, I didn't think that my story was "good enough" to share. I was afraid of being vulnerable and possibly hurt by sharing my story with you. I missed an opportunity to make a connection and let myself be "seen" by all of you.

 After our last session, I realized that I was engulfed in grief and had let that grief define me. After the meeting, I realized that grief is not the only part of my story. Before I attended the meetings with you, I was afraid of being heartbroken by your stories. I felt I might not be able to handle hearing about the pain and trauma in your lives that led you to make the decisions you made. I never wanted to feel pity, but please know that I understand pain and loss and trauma. You are seen and you are loved. I believe that we were brought together to share our stories and to connect with one another and with the divine.

 I hold each of you in my prayers and in my heart. It is a blessing to have met you and to have heard you. We are forever part of one another's stories and experience."

CPE Student, Rev. Brian Herron,

As Pastor of Zion Baptist, Brian, sees ministry as community activism and peace making. He has completed 4 units of SJ CPE to move towards Board Certification in APC. Known for empowering people to succeed post incarceration, he worked with VOA Amicus for CPE. He also provided spiritual care at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist — The Dignity Center (DC). In this unit of CPE he and his church leaders replicated the DC’s Paths to Stability model at Zion Baptist. Brian was also the organizer of the campaign to take back our streets called “Guns Down, Love Up,” work that continues. 

CPE Student, Tito

“Reflecting back on my last 10 years of being incarcerated I now see the path I am on and purpose of gaining this knowledge through CPE at this time. It was a life-changing experience — CPE refined me and made me super aware. CPE focused me in and gave me techniques. I been trying to figure out how to get out of the way of myself. CPE chipped away a lot of rough edges like being a fixer and thinking I had to always solve others’ problems. CPE taught me to be with people and with the help of God allow people to fix their own problems.”

 CPE Student, Rev. Jason Cutshall

“SJ CPE gave me a variety of pastoral experiences that I have not found in any other training. Serving people experiencing homelessness at The Diginity Center, listening to men in the Stillwater prison, being in group processing with other students who are serving in mental health facilities, hospice facilities, addiction facilities, churches and camps, gave our learning a depth and breath akin to the pastoral concerns of a local congregation. I was better equipped to sit with people and families struggling with mental illness, death, addiction, grief, isolation, oppression and violence after my units of SJ CPE. In 20+ years of ministry this has been one of the most impactful pastoral trainings I have taken.”

CPE Student, Rev. Lisa Adams

Lisa provided spiritual care for her SJ CPE units at Sisters Helping Sisters — a VOA program at the Minnesota Correctional Facility Shakopee. “Doing CPE in a prison setting is one of the most profound experiences in seminary. Our CPE group inside MCF-Stillwater explored grief, trauma, complex stories, race, spirituality, and how to care for the communities we serve. My perspective on chaplaincy and ministry has been expanded; I’m a better pastor because of SJ CPE. I don’t think there is a better place to do CPE — I’m so grateful for this life changing opportunity with Rev. Dr. Allers-Hatlie and SJ CPE.